Map My EDI

Learn How to Boost your Productivity with Shopify EDI Integration

Consumers have been changing their shopping trends and patterns since the start of commercialization, keeping the merchants on their toes to keep up with the changes to succeed. E-commerce – aided by the innovative technology – is the most preferred platform for consumers for shopping today. With e-commerce websites, shopping for services and products has become convenient and time saving for buyers. Also, given the issues of pandemic, people have adopted staying at home and social distancing policy, giving rise to online shopping.

Shopify is an amazing e-commerce website, which allows the merchants to sell their services and products online by paying nominal monthly fees. Countless individuals and firms of all sizes use the Shopify platform to sell their goods on the internet to B2B or B2C customer base. Shopify provides e-commerce solutions for selling online, on social media, a pop-up shop and in-store. EDI Shopify integration helps automate this process and speeds up the order processing cycle by 61-percent by avoiding re-keying of important information such as order, shipping data or invoice.

What is shopify EDI integration

The sellers involved in the dropshipping business with Shopify face a difficult, lengthy and inaccurate process without EDI. Manual operations also lead to errors while re-entering information. EDI Shopify integration offers accurate and fast business operations. EDI makes drop shipping painless as it offers a set of processes and standards to exchange between the trading partners. The information exchanged between the firms via EDI documents is more accurate and faster than any other traditional methods such as phone and email.

Consumers need every information regarding the shipping of their order. Therefore, most of the companies – distribution, manufacturing and shipping – will need a system-to-system integration via an EDI. This provides higher efficiency in partner communication by speeding the processes. It automates the process, ensures accuracy, eliminates error, saves time and money.

Need for EDI integration with Shopify

EDI shopify integration with Map My EDI

EDI integration with Shopify through Map My EDI ensures the electronic exchange of documents with the trading partners and eliminates manual re-key of data. With our EDI solutions, the clients can take the best advantage of the powerful Shopify eCommerce platform and enjoy manageable business operations and benefits such as

Lifetime Shopify compliance – Once we integrate EDI with Shopify, the client can get the changes done in the future without spending on additional setup.

Simplified EDI – Our well-experienced and expert team of specialists ensure a hassle-free, easier and simple EDI integration.

Dedicated Solutions – Our team specializes in extending and integrating EDI that is specific to the client’s business objective and needs.

Reliable Support – Map My EDI is dedicated to providing round the clock support to deliver on-point solutions.
Industry Oriented – Our tailor-made solutions are designed according to the industry a client decides to collaborate and do business.

Key reasons to go for shopify EDI integration

There are several ways of how an EDI can help enhance the business processes but here are a few main reasons why a seller should consider EDI Shopify integration and speak with our consultant today.

Dropshipping – Merchants with drop shipping online business do not require to stock up the inventory of their products in the warehouse. Once an online order is placed by a buyer, the order is transferred directly to the manufacturer or supplier for shipping and delivery. The seller gets orders and payment online through the internet, which is forwarded to the manufacturer for direct shipping. Most of the major distributors and manufacturers such as Wal-Mart, Amazon or Target need EDI integration to perform business operations smoothly.

Real-time inventory updates – It needs integration with the 3PL warehouse or warehouse management system.

Track order status – Any merchant dealing with 3PL and shippers like USP, Purolator, FedEx, etc., gets a larger number of shipments every day. To perform the process efficiently and at a faster rate, the management systems need to be integrated with Shopify having EDI.

Benefits of EDI integration with Shopify

EDI Integration With Shopify

Builds Product Catalogue – The merchant can create a store, make classifications and import item subtleties according to its needs. Solutions from Map My EDI allows the transformation of information into a fully supplied store.

Import Inventory – Incorporate inventory and supply goods from any source, including data feeds, distributors, ERP’s, providers or warehouse – with EDI solutions from Map My EDI. The copy can absorb it in case of data.

Automate Tracking and Product Push – The merchant can set formulas to automate the process that is ideal for the business. Updating the process can be done more oftenly when required as well as the tracking numbers can be sent to the consumers consequently.

Enhance Sales Strategy – Enjoy smart selling using integrated EDI with Shopify by applying product strategy, pricing logic, filters and rules. After integrating EDI with Shopify, managing sales strategy becomes easier.

Integrate Apps – Maintenance of business is majorly dependent on applications, Map My EDI makes sure to combine all the applications into a specific internet-based business ecological system.

Expand Sales Channels – The seller can use the association of EDI Shopify integration like a multichannel retail base. They can also achieve complete retail potential and grow on different commercial centres such as Walmart, eBay and Amazon.


Buyers today have become very prompt in doing online purchases and require information about every step of the shipping process. Serving a larger customer base with such information is no doubt very difficult. With EDI Shopify integration, the process becomes easy and can be performed automatically, making it error-free, fast and accurate.

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